Dell Boomi has introduced an improved cloud integration platform, AtomSphere Summer 12 which will simplify and optimise application and data integration processes.

Boomi AtomSphere allows users to connect any combination of Cloud, SaaS, or On-Premise applications without requiring any appliances, software and coding.

Dell Boomi general manager Rick Nucci said AtomSphere Summer 12 simplifies and improves integration processes, capitalising on the efficiency offered by cloud computing.

"And the security enhancements also give IT teams further assurance that their data and IP is secure, whether moving through cloud or on-premise applications," Nucci said.

The new cloud integration platform comes with a crowd sourced regression testing feature called Boomi Assure to ensure that customer integration processes are tested each time Boomi is updated.

Boomi Assure allows users to submit their integration processes with test data to a regression testing framework facilitating pre-testing and support of each AtomSphere release.

Dell Boomi AtomSphere acts as the connection between applications, whether they reside in the cloud or on-premise to integrate applications and data.

AtomSphere Summer 12 helps deliver predictable service levels for real-time data transfers in the cloud by reserving cloud resources. It also provides an application to manage their security policies with improved flexibility and governance, the company said.

The new release includes a SOA worker, the real-time oriented and custom configured Atom for through-the-cloud data movement, which is delivered as part of the SOA Framework and ensures predictable performance levels for real-time data transfers.

Summer 12 also features Extract, Transform, Load (ETL) enhancements which includes Join (Document Cache) that allow users to hit multiple data sources and store them in-memory, Bulk Copy to load large data volumes and a Hadoop Connector for processing big data.

It also includes enhanced governance and security features for large enterprises.The new security features enable enterprises flexibility in managing and federating security policies through SAML-based single sign-on.