Cloud computing company CloudShare has integrated with Microsoft TFS to deliver a new hybrid IT application that provides on-premise and cloud-based development and testing labs.

Integrating Microsoft TFS will enable CloudShare help its customers to create multi-server environments or use pre-configured environments in minutes.

The new multi-server environments and pre-configured environments are used for building, unit-testing or functional testing via the TFS Lab Manager.

CloudShare said the ability to have build-and-test-labs in the cloud will reduce the capital expenses and increases development and testing agility.

Microsoft ALM product management senior director Karthik Ravindran said CloudShare’s integration with TFS delivers a cloud application for managing development and test environments in the cloud, while integrating with on-prem managed ALM workflows.

"The cloud enables fast, easy, and cost-effective options to increase the agility of the development process, reduce cycle times, and lower IT operations costs," Ravindran said.