Exploring how data centres will be designed and operated 10 or more years hence is a vital topic for business because these buildings have traditionally been designed for a 15-20 life span.
Yet they house technology which is changing and advancing far more rapidly than ever before.
Think about processor performance, server architecture, memory, storage technology or network speeds right up to how applications are written and the manner and scale of data generation itself.
There is much talk that the disparity in the pace of change in IT innovation and data centre development.
The recent list compiled by the IEEE of technologies we can expect to be pervasive by 2022 is sure to get a mention at a forthcoming webcast on October 15th exploring the future of the data centre.
The expert panel includes Mark Monroe, VP engineering at DLB Associates and former exec chair of The Green Grid and Peter Gross of Bloom Energy. Both are highly regarded engineers responsible for the design, either in part or in full, of many of the world’s most efficient large data centres for the world’s largest web and enterprise firms.
Emerson Network Power is hosting the webcast and will discuss its report, "Data Center 2025: Exploring the Possibilities,"
It will air live on Oct.15 at 6 p.m GMT.
Register here.