Jonathan Schwartz, former Sun CEO
Schwartz left Sun not long after its takeover by Oracle and announced his departure from the company in style, tweeting a haiku to his followers. He’s been pretty quiet since then but is keen on keeping the world up to date with his newest projects.
Sample tweet: Today’s my last day at Sun. I’ll miss it. Seems only fitting to end on a #haiku. Financial crisis/Stalled too many customers/CEO no more

Marc Benioff,

The ebullient boss of the cloud computing giant takes great pleasure in stirring up trouble with his rivals. A favourite tactic of his is to retweet messages that are less than complimentary about the competition. His spat with Oracle during 2010’s OpenWorld event was particularly amusing.
Sample tweet: The cloud is not a box. Beware of the false cloud

Dick Costolo, Twitter

It seems right to add the CEO of Twitter to this list; he replaced @ev (see below) as top dog last year. Tweets about (American) football, holidays, home life and, occasionally, work.
Sample tweet: Actors & executives treat the media identically. Positive press is devoured word for word. Negative press is dismissed as uninformed idiocy

Evan Williams, ex-Twitter CEO

This list wouldn’t be complete without Twitter’s co-founder. He regularly runs #AskEv, where he answers questions about Twitter, responds to suggestions and helps those having issue with the service.
Sample tweet: Read today that Yahoo! is considering shuttering Also, found out today that Yahoo! still runs

Padmasree Warrior, Cisco

CTO at networking company Cisco, Padmasree fills her 1.4 million followers in on her daily activities, such as speeches she’s giving. Also regularly tweets photos of the glamorous locations she’s visited.
Sample tweet: I am actually learning more about the goings on at CES on Twitter … than being at CES 🙂

Werner Vogels, Amazon CTO

Most recently filling his Twitter stream with photos from CES in Vegas and a lovely looking holiday, Vogels also shares his love of new tech. Also no stranger to getting involved in spats with others, which is always entertaining.
Sample tweet: Litmus test: if you have buy more hardware just to get started it is not a cloud… RT @benioff Beware of The False Cloud

Kevin Rose, founder

Seems to spend most of his time thanking other people, which is high up on the list of Twitter etiquette. His feed is a great source of information on the start-up scene thanks to his work as an angel investor.
Sample tweet: wow, I might have discovered a strange substance that cures hangovers, they are red and called "the blood of marys"

Rik Ferguson, Trend Micro

Trend Micro’s security advisor s the go-to guy for the latest news from the security world. Regularly blogs about the latest security threats, and keeps us all informed about his band.
Sample tweet: Julian Assange arrested, in the UK of all places… Well the cables did say they would run a pro-US administration 🙁

Jason Calacanis, Weblogs and

Founder of, amongst other things, the "human powered" search engine, Calacanis is another to watch for news and views on start-ups.
Sample tweet:Is there someone who works or has worked @unitedairlines who can explain the consistently horrible service?! Is it a union thing?

Robert Scoble, Rackspace

Although a Rackspace employee, Scoble’s account is much more about his unwavering enthusiasm for new technology. Companies, gadgets and technologies – they’re all on his list.
Sample tweet: Just playing with the new Twitter for Mac (available from the new app store). Nice! Sorry LazyScope, probably will use this from now on