According to a study texting is the dominant method of communication between teens and everyone with whom teens communicate.

The amount of texting among teens today is 60 texts per day for the average teen user, according to Pew Research. This amount has jumped from 50 texts a day in 2009.

Older teenage girls were found to be the most enthusiastic texters ending an average of 100 per day in 2011; compared to boys that sent an average of 50 per day.


The increase may be linked to the popularity of smartphones. 31% of teenagers between the ages of 14-17 reported they owned a smartphone.

The research suggests that teens no teens’ are no longer chatting on the phones with their friends as the frequency of phone calls among teens has declined over the years.

63% of teenagers reported using texting for daily communication, compared to 39% who use phone calling, 35% who have face to face conversations, 29% who send messages on on social networks 19%, who talk on landlines and 6% who use email.

The teens who were found to be the most avid texters were also the most talkative with their friends.