The company’s launch in Norway has been successful so far and the site and has now opened up globally.

The company is slightly different from other career networks in which a user can easily follow another without being approved by the user they want to follow, similar to Twitter. This allows users to have the opportunity for a wider network that in a way many other sites do not offer.

Jobcruiter also features a number of tools that can be beneficial to registered users.

"What separates us from other career networks, are the unique career tools and net based job searcher course that is available to all users for free. All our users get access to generators for creating resumes and job applications, e-learning tools for job interview training, and much more," said Lars Martinsen, managing director of JobCruiter.


LinkedIn isn’t the only heavy weight competition that companies like JobCruiter will find hard to go up against. Sites like Viadeo with 40 million users and Xing with over 11 million, are going strong. Yet, Martinsen says career networks that are available now are boring and that their site can offer something more.

"Many see today’s career networks just as boring overviews of their contacts where nothing is happening. We wanted to give our users a combination of usefulness, entertainment and access to career tools and we have received a lot of positive feedback on this approach. has the potential to grow very fast when we now open the system for users all over the world."