Our pick of the morning reading

1. Google v Facebook. This time it’s personal (The Times)
Mobile internet is the key to the future. It can tell advertisers where you are, who you’re with and what you’re thinking, says David Rowan.

2. Google Buzz copied FriendFeed’s worst features, why? (Scobleizer)
More Google Buzz bashing, this time from web watcher Robert Scoble.

3. The Importance of Fear, Risk and Hacking (TechCrunch)
Sarah Lacy says that a little danger, risk and failure might be just the thing the younger generation needs for entrepreneurship to shine.

4. More questions than answers about the Windows Phone 7 Series (The Guardian)
Microsoft made a splash by pre-announcing the Windows Phone 7 Series phone yesterday, but it might all be forgotten by the time phones appear for the (Christmas) holiday sales season, says Jack Schofield.

5. What I Couldn’t Say… (Jonathan Schwartz)
The former boss of Sun Microsystems starts his own blog… one to keep an eye on.