1. Facebook Groups demonstrate the downside of "social design" (SocialBeat)
Facebook rolled out a number of new features yesterday — and today the inevitable backlash followed. The catch is that your Facebook friends can add you to groups without your permission. Did Facebook totally fail to think this through?

2. Facebook Groups: Privacy blunder or Twitter replacement (GigaOm)
Mathew Ingram has his say on the latest Facebook revamp and rounds up some of the online reaction to the new features.

3. Microsoft: virus-infected computers should be quarantined (The Guardian)
Software giant wants people cut off from the internet and health certificates issued. The comments connected to this piece are certainly worth reading…

4. Oracle as a mini HP? Don’t laugh – it will probably happen soon (CBR Rolling Blog)
Rumours abound that Oracle is chasing chip maker AMD. Buying a chip company would be a daft thing for a database and business software player to do, wouldn’t it? Gary Flood looks at the evidence.

5. Three biases that prevent social media gurus from objectively evaluating new social tools (Forrester)
Expanding on the new Facebook feature argument, Forrester’s Augie Ray looks at why "social media gurus" needs to objectively look at the latest developments in their field.