1. How 100 million Facebook users ended up in a list on BitTorrent (The Guardian)
Jemima Kiss looks at how details over 100 million Facebook users ended up on a file sharing website – and why it may have happened.

2. It’s too late for Microsoft to build its own handset (GigaOm)
The window of opportunity for Microsoft to build its own phone closed down the minute it said it would license Windows Phone 7 to hardware partners, says Kevin C. Tofel.

3. How fast can a cloud run? (The New York Times)
The cloud has been put on notice: It’s being watched. Ashlee Vance looks at a new tool that can measure how fast the cloud can run.

4. A sensor in every chicken: Cisco bets on the Internet of Things (ReadWriteWeb)
Adrianne Jefferies looks at the potential for an Internet of Things – a term for the network formed by real-world objects connected to the Internet, which could make home energy use more efficient by eliminating power used by devices when they are idle.

5. United Airlines – crawling forward into the era of modern mobile with a unique approach (Forrester)
Julie Ask looks at how airline United is using mobile technology to keep passengers up to date with the latest flight information.