Cisco Collaboration Summit: Great taste, less filling (Gartner)
Last week Cisco hosted a Collaboration Summit for analysts, consultants, and partners in Phoenix, Arizona. Conference attendees were treated to great weather and fantastic food. Unfortunately, the conference was thin on content and light on vision, says Larry Cannell.

Take Microsoft private: It’s been considered (The Seattle Times)
With interest rates at historic lows, maybe it’s time for Microsoft to refinance. Seriously, the company is unable to convince investors that its business is doing well. So why not say to hell with Wall Street and take the company private?

Twitter: "No plans for a Twitter news network", but it’s still an interesting idea (TechCrunch)
Twitter co-founder Biz Stone recently talked of the possibility of Twitter launching a news network. It seems pretty likely that Stone was just running with a hypothetical idea that was on his mind at the time of the interview, says MG Siegler, but that doesn’t mean it’s not an interesting idea…

News flash: Twitter already is a news network (GigaOm)
…But Twitter is already functioning as a news network or wire service, says Mathew Ingram. When you can get live reports from eyewitnesses of earthquakes and other disasters within minutes of them happening, you have a news network.

JP Rangaswami joins Salesforce as Chief Scientist (CloudAve)
This is a great move on the Salesforce’s side to bring in a person like JP Rangaswami to evangelize about Cloud Computing and Salesforce. He is one of the well known thought leaders in technology and people listen to him with full attention whenever he speaks about topics like open source, social computing, etc.. With Mr. Benioff’s current focus on Chatter and how it will change the way enterprises work, he is the right person to be in Salesforce, says the CloudAve blog.