Europeans go "Fishing" for bad Google behaviour in anti-trust inquiry (Search Engine Land)
Greg Sterling gives his take on the antitrust case against Google and asks whether authorities are asking the right questions.

Google’s WebM v H.264: who wins and loses in the video codec wars? (The Guardian)
Why is Google foisting its open-source WebM video codec system, which performs worse than H.264, on users of its Chrome browser? And how will that affect Apple, Microsoft and Adobe? Charles Arthur finds out.

Israeli test on worm called crucial in Iran nuclear delay (The New York Times)
An article in the New York Times claims the infamous Stuxnet worm was designed as an American-Israeli project to sabotage the Iranian nuclear program…

The New York Times fails to deliver Stuxnet’s creators (Forbes)
…However, The New York Times provided almost no verifiable evidence to back up their claims, and even worse, excluded evidence that didn’t support their theory, according to Jeffery Carr.

Can a new IaaS cloud really compete? (GigaOm)
New cloud provider NephoScale announced its presence among IaaS providers earlier this week, touting itself as "an advanced cloud service for serious programmers." However, Derrick Harris is afraid its message might fall upon deaf ears, as there’s little evidence the world is clamoring for another IaaS cloud.