Bing, now with extra Facebook: See what your friends like & people search results (Search Engine Land)
Bing is now making use of it to show new "Liked By Your Friends" matches and Facebook-powered people search results. The move offers a huge amount of promise, and perhaps gives Bing a edge that Google can’t quickly replicate. But at the moment, this is no Google-killer, says Danny Sullivan.

Rivals yet to scratch surface of Apple’s lead (Financial Times)
A swathe of companies are approaching tablets as either large-format smartphones or keyboard-less notebooks but none has so far mounted a serious challenge to the iPad. Therefore, in spite of the hooplah that greeted the creation of an entirely new computing sector at the iPad’s launch, the success and size of this category is far from being determined.

An AOL and Yahoo merger: Failure squared? (GigaOm)
Can tying two rocks together produce something that will fly with investors? An AOL-Yahoo merger sounds like the worst idea since… well, since AOL and Time-Warner, says Mathew Ingram.

IBM, Oracle and Java: The Q&A (RedMonk)
Stephen O’Grady provides a fascinating Q&A about the IBM, Oracle and Java news that was announced this week.

Gartner’s newest Hype Cycle: Discuss (ReadWriteWeb)
Cloud at the Peak of Inflated Expectations? Microblogging and eReaders heading for the Trough of Disillusionment? It can only be Gartner’s Hype Cycle. Marshall Kirkpatrick looks beyond the headlines.