Twitter proves its worth (BBC dot.Rory)
It’s long been derided as a vehicle for the vacuous, and a web fad which will fade away as soon as its backers realise it has no realistic business plan. But over the weekend, Twitter proved its worth again – in two ways…

Google Goggles gets faster, smarter and solves Sudoku (Google Mobile blog)
Google has launched a new version of its Goggles feature – it can now scan barcodes almost instantly, recognise print adverts and solve Sudoku puzzles…

The VAT rise and the idiotic ebook inconsistency (The Telegraph)
As you might know, this year’s VAT rise does not apply to printed books. It does, however, apply to ebooks, for reasons that don’t entirely make sense, argues Shane Richmond.

Bob Muglia leaving Microsoft – quick analysis (Redmonk)
Microsoft’s Bob Muglia is leaving Microsoft later this year, and he seems like the decision wasn’t entirely his, as CEO Steve Ballmer put it: "I have decided that now is the time to put new leadership in place for STB." Michael Coté offers his first impressions on the news.

AMD CEO Dirk Meyer — the man who outwitted Intel — resigns (VentureBeat)
Chip maker AMD’s boss has gone. Dean Takahashi gives his take on what he calls a "big surprise".