Committing to the resolutions CIOs should make in 2011 (Gartner)
Mark McDonald looks at 2011 resolutions that CIOs may make but too often will break as everyone is overcome by events and day to day challenges.

Frequently asked questions about Quora (TechCrunch)
The incredible growth of Quora has also led to an equally incredible growth in chatter, punditry, and analysis about the future of social networking. Semil Shah answers some questions about the question and answer site.

Business should stop dissing IT – it’s getting beyond a joke now (CBR Rolling Blogs)
A recent survey has suggested businesses don’t appreciate IT as much as they should. Gary Flood looks at the results.

Are the end days nearing for PCs (and Macs)? (GigaOm)
The venerable computer isn’t going to disappear anytime soon but its glory days as a computing workhorse are fading with the rise of more nimble smartphones and tablets, says Ryan Kim.

Gadget show: A visual assault (BBC dot.Maggie)
Maggie Shiels takes us on a picture tour of the mammoth CES gadget extravaganza in Las Vegas.