1. Live at the LSE: Steve Ballmer on the cloud and the future of Microsoft’s business (The Guardian)
Microsoft’s boss Steve Ballmer is in the UK giving a speech at the LSE. Charles Arthur is live blogging from there.

2. Why Twitter’s new CEO will be good for everyone (ReadWriteWeb)
World-changer Evan Williams has stepped down as the CEO of micromessaging social network Twitter, the company announced today, and will pass that role to serial entrepreneur and company COO Dick Costolo. Marshall Kirkpatrick looks at the changes.

3. Can Twitter’s new CEO turn the company into a real business? (Venture Beat)
Being the social media darling is one thing, making money out of it is completely different, says Anthony Ha.

4. Why we could all pay for the government’s privacy pathos (CBR Rolling Blog)
BT’s trial of controversial ad targeting technology some years ago has led to the EC suing the British government over its privacy concerns. Jason Stamper reports.

5. Local connectivity – a bigger mess than your teenager’s bedroom (Gartner)
Local connectivity will be a mess, says Nick Jones. "When I say "mess", I mean harder to understand than patent law, more strange pieces than you’d see in minestrone soup, more tangled than a plate of spaghetti, and containing bigger piles of nasty grunge than your teenager’s bedroom."