Google has its heart set on linking the whole of Africa with the worldwide web.

Only 16% of people in the continent are connected to the internet. Google wants to change this, one country at a time, and it is carrying on its mission with Uganda.

The city of Kampala in Uganda is home to nearly 3 million people, and although it is the country’s bustling capital, it does not have a strong, fast internet connection.

Google has announced Project Link, an initiative to build a super fast fibre network in Kampala, which will hope to help local mobile operators and internet service providers to better connect people in the city to a more reliable internet.

This new technology in the region will aim to enable local companies to offer faster and more reliable internet connections and mobile data plans for offices and universities, boosting productivity and enhancing opportunities.

In a blog post, Google said it wants to see "a new crop of entrepreneurs and innovators: the media-rich projects of a successful musician, fast connections for local hospitals, or new digital learning tools for students".

This is just one of many steps Google is making to connect Africa to the web, which it hopes will create a stronger internet and give the continent a more prominent, global online voice and presence.