My last blog entry was about the world’s first Twitter-themed hotel, the @SolWaveHouse hotel in Majorca.

As you would hope from an establishment that prides itself on its use of Twitter, the hotel picked up on my tweet about my blog.

The hotel allows guests to communicate with staff via the social network. For example, tweeting the hotel #fillmyfridge summons someone to re-stock your minibar.

I replied with the fridge hashtag as a joke, only to receive a tweet saying: "Hi Claire, can I help you? What is your room, follow me and send me a DM; thanks #fillmyfridge.

Despite sending #fillmyfridge, I am not relaxing in a hotel room in Magaluf, I am sat behind my desk in a London office. But Sol Wave House did not realise this and were only too eager to supply me with more beverages.

This highlights that the Spanish hotel’s gimmick is just that – a publicity stunt, and a flawed one at that.

What is to stop thousands of people all over the world bombarding the hotel’s twitter account with fake requests?

My colleague took my experiment a step further, tweeting, "@SolWaveHouse cerveza, por favor."

He was met with the response: "Hola Duncan, estás en la terraza? Siguenos y pasanos más info via DM si quieres, Gracias."

I can only assume that some poor waiter is still wondering around the pool with a beer looking for Duncan.