Facebook announced on its blog that the Timeline is now available today everywhere.

Facebook describes the timeline as: "An easy way to rediscover the things you shared, and collect your most important moments. It also lets you share new experiences, like the music you listen to or the miles you run."

Facebook Timeline
Image courtesy of Facebook

Facebook is allowing seven day grace period to choose everything you want to be shown on your Timeline before other viewers see it or publish it when you’re ready to change.

The new Timeline is completely replacing the old profile. It looks nothing like the Facebook before and is quite a drastic change. The new look features a never ending page of literally every interaction in your Facebook history.

The page is also very messy and doesn’t have any distinct organisation. We thought the new Twitter design seemed to have copied the old Facebook design, but now Facebook seems to have copied the new Twitter design with a splash of MySpace. Facebook, what have you done?

The new Timeline makes user privacy even more difficult. Every comment to every status and picture is openly displayed.

The addition of the map under the cover page seems to pinpoint the area in which a user supposedly lives. Yes, that’s just we want – the area we live in openly displayed.

When will Facebook learn people want to move towards privacy not away from it?

It is formidable Facebook wants to make its site more interesting to users, but what about those who have difficulty using the site as it is? Yes, I’m talking about those of us with parents who took a year to learn how to upload a Facebook picture…