Global Entrepreneurship Week kicks off today and has seen its UK CEO Andrew Devenport heading down to the coast – Portsmouth, to be precise.

The city has got 76 events scheduled and more than 1,200 registered attendees, making it one of the GEW’s largest host cities in the world.

Devenport said: "Setting up a business is a great employment opportunity for many people who have the talent, but lack the means or the confidence to progress their ideas.

"By helping people to help themselves, we are equipping the next generation of entrepreneurs to make a valuable contribution to both the economy and society."

Portsmouth seems to have figured this out, and hopefully a few more cities will too: last year’s GEW saw 279,500 people attend 3,200 events set up by 532 partner organisations, a 30% increase on the year before.

If the numbers keep rising that’s only good news for the economy, as well as the state of innovation in Britain.

There are some amazingly talented people out there but often they have a tough time finding the right people to work with.

It’s events like this which bring them together – linking the people with the ideas with developers, marketing gurus and more to form something exciting and potentially successful.