

You know, I got a lot of stick in the office when I posted this blog about why I think the ereader will never last. I may have been a tad preemptive, as after recently acquiring a tablet, I’ve been using that to read more books than I ever have before.

I swallowed my pride as ease of use, cost and general awesomeness made the good old-fashioned print book look like a dinosaur. However, I still couldn’t help but feel there’s certain nostalgia with the print book that just can’t be replicated, and thankfully, this survey above agrees with me.

The chart, from Voxburner, surveyed a range of girls and boys aged 16-24 on what media they prefer on what format. The pink bar illustrates girls, the blue; boys and the grey bar is the average.

Look! Look what it says! Over 60% of girls and over 50% of boys prefer the physical book.

But there’s further evidence to suggest why the printed format might be better, too.

Several scientists carried out a study into why the feeling of paper can create a much more immersive learning experience for readers, plus a research report published earlier in the year in the International Journal of Education Research found that students who read on printed paper scored higher in reading comprehension tests than students who read the same text in digital forms.

So it would appear it’s not just me, or every other cynical grump yearning for a regression, but it’s teenagers too.