Today marks the deadline day for organisations to report their gender pay gap statistics, with Apple revealing some interesting results.

Publishing their report just a day before the deadline, the iPhone creator revealed that despite employing more women and men the male workforce still gets paid more.

The ratio of female to male workers at Apple is a 30% to 70% split, and male workers still get paid 5% more on average than their female equivalents. However, the median hourly pay gap is 2% in favour of the female workers.

Apple said that the average pay gap is due to more men holding senior positions, resulting in higher pay, bonuses and stock.

In comparison to males at Apple, only 88% of women received a bonus at the end of the year but saw their 4% more of males receive a bonus. The company claimed that it has achieved pay equity when factoring in similar roles, markets, and performance.

Apple, which operates in three segments, Apple (UK), Apple Europe and Apple Retail UK, said it would take several measures to bridge the gaps, including not asking employees for their salary history, from 2018. However, this deviates from the issue of paying two people differently dependent on their gender rather than capabilities.

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“Apple believes strongly that equal work deserves equal pay,” the company said. “Every year, we examine the compensation employees receive and make adjustments where necessary to ensure we maintain pay equity. And we have achieved this in every country – women at our company earn the same as men when you factor in similar roles, markets and performance.”

The company has also stated it will make a conscious effort to hire more females in the field, in a bid to close the gender gap as well as pay. Putting its money where its mouth is, Apple pointed out in the last few years the number of women employed by the company has increased from 28% to 30%.

The gender pay gap has been a long standing issue across not just the technology industry, but across organisations in all different sectors. However, despite innocuous amounts of cases demonstrating the unfairness of the gender pay gap the statistics still sit somewhat the same.

Despite the negativity around the gender pay gap, there has been some positive outcomes within the FTSE 350 boards. Females working in FTSE 350 organisations are slowly but surely making their way to the top, taking on the males of the industry and ensuring women are not left behind.