Following a rough patch for Uber there comes some good news as the company has joined forces with Blackberry Messenger (BBM).
The aim of the partnership is to allow users around the world to seamlessly book rides via the messenger service, across both Android and iOS users.
A benefit of the partnership means that instead of opening two applications, users can access Uber’s service from within BBM by going through the services menu and selecting the company. When accessed, BBM will automatically detect users’ location and then load a map for them to choose their destination.

The app runs in partnership with Creative Media Works, the company operating and running BBM globally, and it believes the partnership will hugely benefit users.
“Uber has grown to play such a key role in so many parts of the world today. We’re happy to connect our millions of active users with the service, giving them an easy and reliable transportation option at their fingertips within the BBM eco-system,” said Matthew Talbot, CEO of Creative Media works.
Though Blackberry has seemingly declined across the Western Market, it is a somewhat small way of Uber rekindling its business by offering something new to customers and attempting to make their lives easier.
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Offering the service through BBM will boost Blackberry in the market against the highly used WhatsApp and will somewhat help boost Uber, after the many setbacks the company has had over the last year.
Chan Park, General Manager, South East Asia, Uber, says: “Millions of people around the world use BBM Messenger to stay in touch. This partnership means they will now be able to request an Uber from within the BBM ecosystem. A safe, reliable and affordable ride is now at the fingertips of even more people.”
Uber’s new service will be able to be accessed by BBM users around the world including Africa, Asia, Europe and North America as well as the Middle East.