Digital transformation is a fact of life in every industry and for every company, no matter how long its history or how successful its core business. Evolution never stops, but it can be a challenging process, and companies face many difficult decisions as they prepare themselves for the future.

enterprise-wide transformation

Pursuing digital transformation requires careful risk assessment and the development of trusted partner relationships. (Photo by Lidiia/Shutterstock)

Some enterprises, however, have been able to manage digital transformation with greater speed, reduced costs, and better outcomes by finding experienced partners through whom they can access essential know-how, share risk and collaborate closely in moving towards clear objectives.

Lamprell is a key player in the renewables and oil & gas energy markets, with 45 years’ experience delivering world-class projects. The UAE-based company designs and provides assets and services that help its clients to produce energy safely, efficiently and cost-effectively through three business units: Renewables, Oil & Gas, and Digital.

Digital is its newest of the three, and it is enabling Lamprell to develop proprietary digital products for asset integrity, engineering design, smart non-destructive testing, predictive maintenance and robotics. To progress the digital agenda, the company has established a joint venture with Injazat, a recognised market leader in the Middle East for digital transformation, cloud and cybersecurity.  Capitalising on Injazat’s capabilities, Lamprell also made the strategic decision to hand its IT arrangements over to the specialist partner. 

“In short, it is a long-term outsourcing project,” explains Tony Wright, Lamprell’s chief financial officer. “Lamprell is moving its legacy IT infrastructure to a multi-cloud platform and the partnership with Injazat now equips our operations and employees with tools to drive organisation-wide agility, securing operational efficiencies in the short and long term, and injecting technology innovation to accelerate our digitalisation strategy.”

A smooth and swift enterprise-wide transformation

What started as a collaborative project in 2018 to develop digital concepts and turn them into commercial ventures has now become a full joint venture dedicated to commercialising digital opportunities. Lamprell and Injazat are developing a platform that leverages AI to deliver detailed insights into workforce and equipment movement. This enables the company to find new ways to improve safety, productivity and efficiency. 

As the energy industry works towards realising the benefits of collecting and analysing data to enhance performance, Lamprell is forging ahead by adopting digitisation as a key enabler for growth and a powerful differentiator that enhances its competitiveness. 

“With multiple layers to our business activities, from email communications at its simplest level through to complex engineering software, and all the administrative programmes relating to matters such as payroll and finance, the team – and change management components have been considerable,” says Wright. “Not least because we have completely overhauled and restructured our IT services function.”

“We’ve decided to make the change now because significant investment was needed in our systems and, given the work we’ve been doing with Injazat in respect of our digital business, we saw an excellent opportunity to build on that, giving us flexibility and scalability,” he adds.

Injazat’s multi-cloud services are helping Lamprell to rapidly shift its systems from legacy on-premise infrastructure to cloud-based services. The scalable model for migration also ensures enterprise-grade cybersecurity and data protection, both of which are key areas of focus for Lamprell

“Working with Injazat, we’ll have access to a much wider range of technology-focused solutions, allowing for cost efficiencies that can enable us to improve our competitive position,” explains Wright. “Working together will bring improved focus on our IT and digital-led initiatives, ensuring they are truly fit for purpose and can be sustained and evolved for the long term. Furthermore, it will allow us to focus on what we do best as a services provider to the international energy industry, while they do what they do best – unlock value through their technical expertise.”

Prioritising partnership

There are many providers of digital transformation and cloud services out there, but value propositions vary. In this crowded field, Injazat prides itself on being able to access a global ecosystem of diverse talents and niche expertise. For Wright, partner selection was a crucial factor, as he understood that it could have a major impact on the success of Lamprell’s efforts to make its business more efficient, both technically and commercially.

“With our IT infrastructure requiring substantial investment to support the organisation as we continue to evolve our renewables, oil & gas and digital businesses, we took the decision to move to a long-term outsourcing model,” he says. “The nature of the contract we have entered with Injazat gives us access to a more sustainable and scalable IT model. Furthermore, it is also complementary in terms of the joint venture through which we are also progressing a key part of our digital strategy. There are multiple synergies in this respect.”

Working together as true partners, co-creating solutions, sharing risk and cost, Injazat and Lamprell have been able to build a platform of trust, technological innovation and targeted development that will last well into the future.

“We already have a relationship with Injazat in respect of our digital joint venture,” says Wright. “The more we can jointly capitalise on synergies to achieve our respective business objectives, that’s a win-win for everyone. Outsourcing our IT services to them was a very logical next step following the work we’ve been doing in the digital space.”