The whole world is talking about it – the US Election has reached its day of reckoning, when voters across the US head to the polls to cast a vote which will either see Clinton or Trump as President Elect.

The 2016 US election has been fought in cyberspace as much as on the stump. Now that the campaigning has finished, attention turns to the results. CBR offers guides to the key twitter accounts and blog, the biggest online only news streams, the mainstream media online presence and social accounts and the best analytics and data sites.


Must-Follow Twitter Accounts


You have to right? As one of the most contentious US presidential candidates, Donald Trump, no matter your allegiance, should be followed on election night. Although there are rumours that his staffers have blocked him from personally using Twitter, for anyone watching the US election this twitter account must top the list.


Also on CBR: Will Trump win the US Election with Big Data?


As CBR will remain unbiased, if you are going to follow Trump then you have to follow Clinton. Again, no matter where your allegiances may lie, its a must to follow the FLOTUS on Twitter throughout the night.



While many argue that national news in the US is biased towards Clinton or Trump, the BBC politics twitter account may offer more neutral, unbiased tweets throughout the election night. With BBC correspondents on the ground in the US, a well-rounded view of the night as it progresses will hopefully unfold on this account.



Must-Follow People on Twitter


Glenn Greenwald

Greewald, the renowned American lawyer, journalist and author, is best known for his Pulitzer Prize-winning work with The Guardian and Edward Snowden. Now a journalist with The Intercept, Greenwald boasts a long line of political credits, from the Guardian to the New York Times. He is a strong advocate for US constitutional ‘balance of powers’ and has tweeted about key election topics – the FBI, bipartisanship, Syria, and the criticism and support for both candidates. A thought-proving twitter account to watch on election night.




Nate Silver

Nate Silver is editor-in-chief of fivethirtyeight, a website which employs statistical analysis to tell stories about elections, politics, sports and science. Silver has been vocal throughout the 2016 election, and is well known for having successfully called the outcomes in 49 of the 50 states in the 2008 US election.  For someone who predicted so accurately back in 2008, he is a must follow tweeter.




Dan Balz

If there is any journalist you want to follow during election night it is Dan Balz. Having been awarded the prestigious Merriman Smith Award at the 2011 White House Correspondents’ Association, his work has been celebrated by  both readers and peers. Writing for The Washington Post, Balz has worked on enough US elections to make his Twitter account a must-follow.




Must follow Facebook Page

US Politics on Facebook

US Politics on Facebook is a great page which aggregates all Facebook activity by politicians, political campaigns and elected officials. On election night you can see how politicians across the country are responding to news, what pictures they are taking and so on – which all makes for a great source to get the edge on the results. The page tries to offer you as much transparency as possible and also posts Facebook-specific election stats, like top trending terms across Facebook.




Must Follow Reddit


If you are looking for honest, humourous, disgruntled – really any hyper emotion – head over to the Politics thread on Reddit. Although Reddit warns that users must allow for civil discussion, Reddit is always a great place for lively debate. You can choose from multiple threads and have a vent, ask for more info or ask questions. Away from the national media and well-known blogs, this is a great forum in which to get the views of people both from inside and outside the US on election night.
