Verifone (UK) Ltd has launched a handheld Smart Card Terminal to enable retailers to develop applications based around Smart Card technology. To spur the development of such applications, Verifone will be working with retail software developer Saunders Jefferies Ltd to develop customer loyalty schemes using the CM 450 Smart Card Reader/Writer Terminal. Emsworth, Hampshire-based Saunders Jeffries believes customer loyalty schemes are a central lynchpin to retailers’ strategies now that most retailers have reached saturation point in terms of opening stores. Both companies say Smart Card technology used for customer loyalty schemes will be attractive to retailers because it will boost sales by enabling them to track customers’ shopping habits and spending patterns. The Smart Card terminal is programmed in C and remotely downloadable so that the software can be adapted to conform to the standards for terminal manufacturers, which are due to be set by mid-year. The terminal will work with personal computer-based tills or electronic point of sale terminals as well as with Verifone’s Trans 460 and Omni 319 terminals. It currently works with Smart Cards from the likes of Compagnie des Machines Bull SA and Siemens Nixdorf Informationsystemes AG but the next generation of terminals will be compatible with Mondex cards. Verifone says a system with 1,000 cards in 10 outlets including hardware will cost around รบ5,000.