Santa Clara, California-based Veridicom Inc is using the CeBIT fair in Hannover, Germany to publicly launch its fingerprint sensor hardware and software technology. The firm says that it has been working with OEMs, Oracle Corp and Intel Corp on the technology for some time but expects that the sensor technology will become much more visible this year.

The technology is a solid state chip which æreadsÆ the grooves in a person’s fingerprints. The fingerprint is then stored as a user definable set of points. Veridicom expects to see the first batch of laptops equipped with the security feature released in the Fall. It was demonstrating Acer and TI laptops at its booth. Oracle has also enabled the sensor for its databases, available as an add-on module. Intel, which has invested in the company, is working with it on its CDSA program. The sensor will be used to protect the hard drive and selected portions of the memory.