Despite DEC’s firm refusal to put Unix System V.3 onto the VAX and AT&T’s decision to supply V.3 licences only for its own 3B line, Uniq Inc of Batavia, Illinois has announced V.3 with Streams for the VAX line. The firm expects problems in selling to end users because of DEC’s practice of bundling its operating software with the hardware so users wanting V.3 will be forced to buy an Ultrix licence as well as the Uniq product. Despite this, the company is confident that there will be sufficient demand it from its existing 522 customers and from new VAX purchasers and as an added attraction is offering to swap Ultrix for V.3 on the MicroVAX II – if users agree to take up its maintenance agreement. Price for V.3 is from $3,600 for an eight-user MicroVAX II to $30,000 for a VAX 8600 with 65 users up.