Billerica, Massachusetts-based Unifi Communications Inc is launching a software-only offering that it claims can replace call processing systems such as automatic call distributors, Centrex key systems and private branch exchanges. Called PhoneServer, it is written to run under Unix on 80386- and 80486-based systems, and Unifi reckons that the software eliminates the need for customer premise switching equipment by making use of the public phone network. Making use of ISDN, Phoneserver directs the public network to route calls to the optimum destination, basing its directions on information from the company network and by knowing the status of each connected device. It also provides real-time monitoring reporting and configuration control. A client package enables the desktop applications, information systems applications and telephone services to be merged. The software will be released in the second half of 1991 and it will be licensed to value-added resellers through a third-party programme designed to support the development of applications that use PhoneServer. The first application for the system is the Distributed Call Center, a network automatic call system. The Call Center handles call transactions, providing links to geographically dispersed host computers for incoming call management applications such as a help desk. As with conventional call processing systems, Call Center enables departments such as telemarketing to be placed anywhere, while maintaining centralised control and configuration. But Unifi claims that the system also eliminates the growth constraints inherent in hardware-based Automatic Call Distributors which have limited capacity. Call Center is accessed via a phone window that is provided on an agent’s integrated workstation. PhoneServer software will be released in the second half of 1991 and licensed to resellers to support the development of applications.