Quick off the mark, Ultimate Corp, East Hanover, New Jersey and VMark Software Inc, Natick, Massachusetts announced Friday that they had completed implementation of Ultimate’s ULT/ix version of the VMark uniVerse Pick-under-Unix for IBM’s new RS/6000 Unix family – and IBM Austin lent a hand. As well as offering the software with the IBM machines, Ultimate plans to make ULT/ix for the RS/6000 available on a software-only basis at very competitive prices to attract new customers, especially among the IBM reseller community. Shipments will start as soon as IBM is able to get the hardware out the door. There are also ULT/ix implementations available for the IBM RT, Bull SA’s DPX/2 and DPX/2000, Hewlett-Packard Co’s HP 9000, and Sequoia Systems Inc’s Series 300.