The UK Ministry of Defence selected HP to provide scalable foundation for the ministerial Defence Geospatial Services program.

HP said it will work towards improving the MoD’s ability to react to humanitarian and defence crises worldwide by transforming the way geospatial intelligence (GEOINT) is shared and used across the entire organisation.

The company will collaborate with geospatial software firm Envitia. The two will design the first phase of the MoD’s Defence Geospatial Services (DGS) program.

The MoD added that the venture will enable the MoD’s military personnel and civil servants to search, discover and retrieve GEOINT from any terminal within the Defence Information Infrastructure (DII).

Simon Fovargue, VP enterprise defence and security at HP said: "Built upon open standards and an open architecture, this new enterprise-wide solution from HP and Envitia will ensure that all users are ‘fighting off the same map’."

Mark Richardson, Business Development Manager at Envitia said: "Envitia is delighted to be working in partnership with HP and the UK Ministry of Defence to deliver this important new capability."