The Inmos International Plc T800 Transputer stars in a new combination claimed to enable Sun Microsystems workstations deliver the power of a minisupercomputer. Sun Microsystems Inc has agreed to joint marketing of the system with its developer, Denver, Colorado-based Topologix Inc. The Topologix Topology 1000 board includes four T800 Transputers, each with 1Mb to 16Mb memory, VMEbus, and the LogixOS distributed Unix-compatible operating system that runs native code on the Topology 1000 hardware and supports most Unix System V calls. A user interface written for Sun provides functions similar to other SunView programs; Parallel C, Parallel Fortran and Parallel Common Lisp are available. One or several boards can be used with Sun-3 and Sun-4 systems, and a Sun-4/260 with one board is claimed to deliver over 6 MFLOPS. No prices.