With the useful life expectancy of traders on the dealing room floor estimated at an average of only five years, demand is unceasing and the opportunity for training within the world’s financial community is huge. So on-line financial information specialist Telerate Inc of New York, has come up with a new Compact Disk-based training system aimed at its customers: the Telerate Expert comes on one Compact Disk and includes the equivalent of 40,000 pages of information, according to Telerate, and has courses on Money Markets, Foreign Exchange, Financial Market Instruments, Capital Markets, Corporate and Trade Finance, and Technical Analysis. Telerate will charge customers a subscription of $850 per month, for which they will get an update service and new courses every quarter, and loan of the hardware on which it runs. The system was developed by Expert Financial Systems, Dublin, Ireland, which has set up a deal with Philips to supply Telerate with P3105 personal computers with integral Compact Disk drives. Philips will also provide worldwide hardware support and maintenance.