Tao Systems Ltd, London creator of the Taos distributed operating system, is in process of turning the economics of arcade virtual reality systems upside down. The company is working on an underwater action adventure game called Spyfish that uses a Pentium motherboard with a 100MHz PowerPC 603 supported by a 3D Labs Ltd Glint chip plugged into each of the four Peripheral Component Interconnect slots, with Taos running across the ensemble. Each PowerPC handles a quarter of a 24-bit colour display putting up at least 640 by 480 pixels, and the system is being designed to generate between 500,000 and 1.2m polygons per second, running at 50 frames per second. The PowerPCs will each have 32Mb of fast private memory, each Glint will also have up to 32Mb of buffer plus up to 32Mb video RAM, the Pentium will have 28Mb to 64Mb to store the game logic and support a 1Gb disk and a CD-ROM. To create a virtual reality version of the game, the hardware will be duplicated, and the company reckons that by using all off-the-shelf components and the power of its distributed operating system, it will be able to create an arcade game that far exceeds the performance of, yet costs no more than, today’s low-end virtual reality arcade games. As with Doom, the game engine and the polygon engine are completely separate from the image generation, so that they can be used in future, completely different, games, and the company plans to bundle the image generator with the next release of Taos, so that games developers can write to the interfaces of the underlying engines.