Tandy Corp’s de-emphasising of Philips Electronics NV’s Compact Disk-Interactive system was thought to be because the Fort Worth, Texas company had its own multimedia product up its sleeve. Yes indeed, and it’s a Sensation! That’s what Tandy calls it, anyway. An 80486-based machine, it comes with MS-DOS 5.0, Windows 3.1 Multimedia Version, and a new WinMate organiser for Windows. When powered up, Sensation’s screen opens to WinMate’s eight function categories: In Touch, In the Know, In the Bank, In Control, In Charge, In Play, In Print, and Inside. Users can choose a category directly or call for a digitised spoken description of its content. Features include a Teleminder telephone answering system with voice mail accessible from a remote location. It also includes Microsoft Bookshelf, and America Online, Prodigy, and The Sierra Network communications software. No further word on the hardware apart from mention of a proprietary 16m colour Multimedia Palette Chip and a modem. It is to be out in time for the peak autumn selling season, but no prices were given.