Tandem Computers Inc yesterday expanded its family of R-series RISC-based Integrity family of Unix System V-based servers with significantly lower-priced server models for both its general purpose Integrity NR line and its fault-tolerant Integrity FT line. Tandem also introduced Integrity HATS – High-Availability Transforming Software – as an option for its Integrity NR servers, which is claimed to reduce downtime drastically – drastic for whom? – for critical applications by adding fault detection and recovery capabilities to any server in the Integrity NR line and automatically detecting and recovering from system hardware, operating system and application failures. It also detects and recovers from an application hanging as well as from crashes, the company says. With the new software, any model Integrity NR server can be clustered in a high-availability configuration. No application changes are required, and only those applications requiring high availability can be targeted for protection. It also provides protection against loss of files or corruption of data through real-time remote data mirroring; a TCP/IP switchover to prevent session loss in client-server environments; and an optional Oracle database recovery kit to automate rollback and recover procedures, Tandem says. The new general-purpose Integrity NR server models are the NR/401, an entry-level uniprocessor at $14,750, and the two- or four-processor Integrity/4404, Tandem’s smallest and cheapest symmetric multiprocessing server, at from $69,950. The new R4400-based FT 1495 is from $149,000. Integrity High-Availability Transforming Software is from $4,000 – all are out next month. Signalling System 7 will follow in December, priced at from $75,000 up.