London over-the-counter-traded counter Tadpole Technology Plc, of Cambridge, UK has released a full implementation of the VxWorks real-time operating system for its TP32 VME and TP33 Multibus II single board computers, using the 68030 processor. The VxWorks operating system, from Wind River Systems Inc, runs under Unix for target real-time applications development, and is available for Motorola and Sparc-based computers. Tadpole says it is looking to do an implementation of the system for its 88000 range of boards. TP-VxWorks is available in development and target packs, with the development pack containing software and hardware for the host system and one target. Host systems may be either a Sun-3 or TP-IX environment, connected over Ethernet using TCP/IP and Sun Microsystems’ Network File System to the target board.