Sun Microsystems Inc has confirmed rumors that it is working with the Linux developer community to port the collectively developed operating system to its UltraSparc microprocessor (CI No 3,554). Linux for the UltraSparc is now available for download from internet sites around the world. Cynics might wonder why Sun would offer a rival to its Solaris operating system on its own hardware, but VP and general manager of workstation products Ken Okin makes the issues at stake crystal clear: Every copy of Linux used is another win for Unix and open standards, he said. As a key vendor of Unix workstations, Sun has a vested interest in the success of the platform in all its guises. In fact, the company plans to add Linux compatibility to Solaris, so that Solaris users can take advantage of the breadth of Linux applications. That’s one in the eye for those who were claiming only a few months ago that lack of applications would prove to be Linux’s downfall (CI No 3,441).