STMicroelectronics has unveiled a low-cost development environment maximising access to its STM32 microcontroller families built using the ARM Cortex-M3 processor core, which is optimised for embedded applications.

According to STMicroelectronics, the environment combines Atollic TrueSTUDIO/STM32 development tool and ST-LINK debug probe to connect to the target via USB. The ST-LINK including low-volume product concepts, can benefit from features of STM32 family comprising of more than 70 software-, pin-, and peripheral-compatible variants.

The company said that the Atollic TrueSTUDIO/STM32 uses the Eclipse integrated development environment (IDE) framework, and features a GNU compiler/debugger for ARM processors. Pre-compiled runtime libraries are also included in the free-of-charge Lite version of the tool.

With Atollic TrueSTUDIO/STM32, developers can access capabilities including C++ language support, PC-based build/debug tools allowing development before embedded hardware is available, graphical tools including UML diagram editors, and collaboration features such as version control and bug/task management, the company said.

In addition, ST has added the Access USB Line combining low-cost features with USB connectivity and the connectivity line combining ethernet, CAN, USB and audio peripherals. The range of more than 70 STM32 devices spans package options from 36 pins to 144 pins and flash densities from 16 to 512 Kbytes, STMicroelectronics added.