The Spanish computer market has grown 24% during the course of 1988, according to a survey by American software and services giant Electronic Data Systems Corp, and is now worth an estimated annual $4,700m. Hardware accounted for 57% of total sales, the remaining 43% was split between software sevices, 24%, communications 5%, and other unspecified services 14%. According to James Duffy, managing director of EDS Spain, which specialises in facilities management, the majority of large Spanish firms have their own data processing departments, and only come to service companies for systems development. However he claimed that things are changing and said more people wanted software companies to look after internal data processing and communications. The survey expects software and services sector to be worth nearly $2,000m by 1990, a 100% increase over the next two years, and says that it expects to see a sharp rise in investment in manufacturing and in public administration.