Soft Switch Inc, Wayne, Pennsylvania has added 400-Link/OfficeVision to its 400-Link family of X400 products for IBM mainframe users, and has enhanced 400-Link/DisOSS to support IBM’s OfficeVision/MVS. The line, which also includes 400-Link/Profs, 400-Link/SYSM and 400-Link/MEMO is described as a turnkey system for connecting IBM mainframe-based electronic mail networks with other electronic mail sytems via X400. The entry level Model-10 is in each version is based on an Intel 80386SX processor 4Mb memory, two Motorola 68000-based input-ouput processors and a 40Mb disk. One input-output processor connects to an IBM host via SNA LU6.2, and the other to an X400 network via X25. The Model-10 is $35,000 for all hardware and software. The Model-20 is a high throughput system based on an 8Mb 25MHz 80386 CPU, the same input-output process ors and a hard disk, for $65,000. The systems supp ort connection to multiple public mail carriers sim ultaneously, a four-level access control system, aut omatic registration of new users into the 400-Link directory, and system log ging and analysis tools.