Consumers will benefit from IoT evolved services fostered by advances in the cloud, connected devices and big data, according to Accenture.

"The Era of Living Services" report highlights the emergence of highly sophisticated "living services" that can learn and tailor themselves to meet customers’ expectations.

The document said the new services approach will change every industry while presenting brands with opportunities for growth and differentiation.

Services will start to grow on a new layer of connected intelligence formed by sensors, the cloud, connected smart devices and real-time analytics.

The report exemplifies that in the healthcare sector, "living services" will help prevent health issues, while the retail sector will benefit from a less intrusive customer approach.

Brian Whipple, SMD at Accenture Interactive said: "’Living Services’ will change consumer experiences such as travel booking and shopping in real time around us. They will be driven by things that are very proximate to us such as wearables and nearables. And, at the human level, living services will affect our lives in a much deeper and more positive way than mobile and web services have."

Mark Curtis, CCO at Fjord, Design and Innovation from Accenture Interactive, said: "The emergence of living services is being driven not only by the digitisation of everything but also by ‘liquid expectations’.

"When consumers engage with a brand today, such as an airline or a bank, they compare their experience not only with other airlines or banks but also with any service company, such as ride-sharing providers.

"Take the seamless and largely invisible payment systems these providers offer. Now consumers want payment experiences like this in every industry, consciously or subconsciously. We call these expectations that bleed from one industry to another ‘liquid expectations."