Silicon Graphics Inc has announced that it has supplied 16 of its real-time, three-dimensional graphics Iris 3130 Superworkstations, valued at $1.27m, to the US Army’s Armament, Research and Development Engineering Center at Picatinny Arsenal. The 16 superworkstations, which were recently installed, bring to 30 the number of Silicon Graphics’ 3D graphics systems that are a part of Picatinny Arsenal’s pilot project for mechanical computer-aided engineering. The superworkstations are part of an extensive network of hardware tools and leading application software designed to automate all phases of MCAE. The software includes PDA Engineering’s Patran Plus for conceptual modelling, Swanson Analysis Systems’ Ansys for finite element analysis, Mechanical Dynamics’ Adams for kinematic studies, Unicad Corp’s DD/1 for drafting, and several programs generated by the Department of Defense. The Picatinny Arsenal Ardec recently was named Army Center of the Year by the US Department of the Army for its demonstrated ability to integrate and use new technologies.