Grand Junction Networks Inc, Fremont, California fast Ethernet pioneer has filed with the US Securities & Exchange Commission to go public with an initial offer of 3.0m new shares, at a target $12 to $13 a share to raise $33m or so net for working capital. Underwriters are Goldman, Sachs & Co, Alex Brown & Sons Inc and Wessels, Arnold & Henderson.

Ikos Systems Inc, Cupertino developer and manufacturer of high performance hardware-assisted systems for simulation of integrated circuits and inegrated circuit-based electronic systems, filed with the US Securities & Exchange Commission to offer 1.25m shares to raise cash for working capital and capital expenditure. Needham & Co Inc and Preferred Technology Inc will co-manage the underwriting.

Acer Computer International Ltd initial public offer in Singapore was 19.15 times subscribed at its close on Monday. The 12.6m shares, 9.3m on offer to the public, were sold at $1.40 each; 29.4m shares were also placed, raising some $58.5m gross for the Acer Group subsidiary. The company is responsible for the sales, marketing, service and assembly of Acer computers in Asia-Pacific, Africa, Commonwealth of Independent Atates and Middle East. Jordan Telecommunications Corp duly sold $50m of non-callable floating rate notes due September 2002 via Paribas Capital Markest and ANZ Securities.