Sequent Computer Systems Inc and Oracle Corp are claiming a new performance level of 605.27 transactions per second for a Transaction Processing Performance Council Benchmark A simulating 6,050 users: the results nearly triple the previous mark of 214 TPS-A released in January by Sequent and Oracle and the new new mark was set using a client-server architecture with a Sequent Symmetry 2000/750 as the server running Oracle7; the configuration is said to have established a new cost of $10,919 for this level, outperforming the previous cost per TPS-A number by 35%; the Symmetry 2000/750 server used 26 50MHz 80486 processors, 256Mb of memory, 127Gb of disk and 17 standard Intel-based personal computers; cost per TPS-Ais claimed to capture user costs by including on-line storage for 90 days of transaction history, five years of hardware and software maintenance and the cost of terminals and communications devices.