The Toronto, Canada-based company said it now supports Asterisk, Yate, SIPxchange, and OpenPBX on its A101, A102, and A104 cards, adding that these products leverage AFT technology in their Wanpiper drivers to substantially reduce the processing required to handle TDM voice calls. It said this in turn should result in fewer dropped calls, less jitter and better voice quality.

The true promise of AFT technology lies in our ability to field upgrade not only the device driver code, but the card’s FPGA firmware as we improve our TDM voice support, said Sangoma CEO David Mandelstam. Projects already under way include hardware level PRI support and true time-slice channelization on-board. These improvements plus others related to echo and codec manipulation can be retrofitted to existing AFT hardware as they become available.

In addition to open-source platforms, Sangoma also supports Windows, Solaris, and NetWare.