Samsung Electronics has unveiled multi-chip package (MCP) with PRAM, for use in mobile handsets beginning later this quarter.

According to Samsung, the 512MB PRAM in the MCP is backward compatible with 40nm-class NOR flash memory in both its hardware and software functionality, providing mobile handset designers multi-chip packaging fully compatible with past stand-alone PRAM chip technology.

The company claims that PRAM, which stores data via the phase change characteristics of its base material, an alloy of germanium, antimony and titanium, provides three times faster data storage performance per word than NOR chips.

The new PRAM-packaged memory combines the nonvolatile nature of flash memory with the high-speed capability of DRAM. Its cell structure makes designing MCP chips for handsets a easier process, with the imminent use of 30nm-class and finer process node technology to overcome long-time design difficulties inherent in NOR flash technology, the company said.

Samsung said that PRAM can accommodate the demand for high-speed, high-density nonvolatile memory in mobile phones and other mobile applications such as MP3 players, personal multimedia players and navigational devices.

Dong Jun, executive vice president for memory sales and marketing at Samsung Electronics, said: “Memories for portable consumer devices today are at a major turning point as mobile applications increasingly require more diverse memory technologies.

“The launch of our PRAM in an advanced MCP solution for the replacement of 40nm-class and finer geometry NOR meets this need head-on. Our PRAM MCP will not only enable handset designers to utilise conventional platforms, but expedite the introduction of LPDDR2 DRAM and next-generation PRAM technology as the leading-edge basis for high-performance solutions.”