First fruit from the merged Pure Atria Corp is version 3.0 of the ClearCase software configuration technology which hails from the Atria side of the house, plus an all-new software process management module for use with it, called ClearGuide 3.0. The company claims the combination provides the industry’s most integrated environment for managing the software development processes. Until now ClearCase users have had to build their own trigger mechanisms for incorporating process management tasks such as defining development activities and their dependencies, and automating changes to activities and procedures. Pure Atria claims ClearGuide provides features other vendors currently provide as discreet products, such as Xsoft, Filenet and Flow-mark work-flow tools; Learmonth & Burchett Management Systems Plc and Process Weaver process design tools; Continuus, Harvest and PCMS process-oriented tools and MS Project and AutoPlan project planning tools. ClearCase 3.0 includes new interface applets for event, property, log and VOB administration browsing, plus simplified administration and enhanced performance. It also supports GNUmake for Unix. ClearGuide 3.0 requires ClearCase 3.0 and is due out in the first quarter of 1997 under S un Microsystems Inc, Hewlett-Packard Co and Silicon Graphics Inc Unixes with a Windows NT version to follow. It costs from $2,700 per user or $7,000 per user bundled with ClearCase. ClearCase 3.0 will ship next quarter from $4,000 per user under mos t Unixes and NT – new systems supported are NCR Corp MP-RAS and Siemens Nixdorf Informationssysteme AG Sinix. The company says it is seeing increased use of its software in Java program design and in hardware design processes. ClearCase, including a repository for source code, is being integrated with Novadigm’s Enterprise Desktop Manager Adaptor for ClearCase which will enable code built using the ClearCase tools and repository to be stored and deployed from Novadigm’s repository for executables.