An analysis of enterprise IT spend has revealed 3 clear groups of companies which deviate from the typical investment pattern -People-centric, Vendor-centric and Technology-centric companies.

According to the Apptio report, the people category represents firms that favor investing more on internal labor and less on contractors as well as software.

The vendors category includes organisations with more dependence on outside services like consultants, managed service providers and cloud service providers with less focus on labor or technology.

In the technology category, Apptio identified two sub-archetypes of firms that favor investing on either hardware or software.

Those who support hardware tend to invest less on labour, vendors and software, while software favored people plan to spend less on contractors and vendors.

Apptio CEO Sunny Gupta said: "To derive these insights, we analyzed the data flowing through Apptio’s powerful in-memory cost analytics platform to discover how IT leaders are actually making investments in the people, technology, and services that make IT successful."

Apptio EVP of engineering and cloud operations Ted Kummert said: "Never before has the industry had access to analysis based on actual IT costs, but now it’s possible because our customers calculate their costs using the industry standard model and methodology outlined in ATUM."

Apptio gathered these findings from analysis of $150B in IT costs which are flowing through its Cost Transparency platform; namely the same amount of money the entire fast food industry made in revenue in 2014.