The global market for outsourcing is forecast to grow to $100bn by the year 2000, according to a recent report from market research consultancy, Business Intelligence. Although barely considered an option 10 years ago, says the report, outsourcing has continued to grow steadily, with an increasing number of companies in both the public and private sectors that now view outsourcing as a viable means of satisfying their IT requirements. The survey, conducted among 140 organizations in the US and Europe, reveals that 67% of respondents currently outsource all or part of their IT activities, up from 49% in 1994. Furthermore, outsourcing is high on the agenda of those companies not currently committing projects to outside sources. A third say outsourcing is under consideration, while only 26% of these companies have not considered turning to outside sources to meet their IT requirements. Not only is the market for outsourcing growing rapidly, but so is the range of IT activities being outsourced. The report reveals the services most likely to be outsourced are hardware management, development work, education and training and support services.