Oracle Corp is unveiling the fruits of its labors with Santa Cruz Operation Inc, Intel Corp, Compaq Computer Corp and Novell Inc to implement its Oracle7 release 7.2 Parallel Server clustered database for UnixWare running on clustered iAPX-86-based systems at Santa Cruz Forum this week (CI No 2,982). The company will demonstrate it running on single-processor Pentium servers running UnixWare from Compaq, Digital Equipment Corp, IBM Corp and Unisys Corp with the Oracle database residing on a Data General Corp Clariion disk array. But Oracle says it has demonstrated the thing running on a cluster of four eight-way machines from Chen Systems Inc – whose hardware business is now owned by Sequent Computer Corp (CI No 2,942) – and is more concerned with showing it running over different vendors’ systems to emphasize its fail-over capabilities. It is also going to be available for symmetric multi-processing Pentium Pro-based servers when it is actually released in October, after a couple of months’ beta testing. Parallel Server for UnixWare supports standard 10Mbps and 100 Mbps Ethernet connections, and will also be available for Compaq’s ServerNet interconnect, licensed from Tandem Computers Inc (CI No 2,743) and PCI/Scalable Coherent Interconnect technology from Dolphin Interconnect Solutions A/S, when they are ready.